Media Coverage
Press Release - Self-Perception in Gender Inequities and Career Advancement For Minority Women
Karlene is very concerned about gender inequities globally and has done extensive research on the subject, documented in her latest book published in November 2020. On January 19, 2021, the book launch was held to an online audience of over 300 people on the two-time Byblacks People's Choice award-winning Charles Matthews Show.
Humber College Deans News
The Faculty of Business at Humber College invited Karlene to be a guest lecturer to the class of graduating business students in November 2020 and later featured Karlene in the Dean's Newsletter to show their appreciation for her presentation.
Taste The Diversity - Ethnic Channel TV
In this fun cooking series, Karlene represented her Jamaican culture by preparing an authentic Jamaican dish while sharing interesting facts about Jamaica's rich culture and colourful history.
Unlock Your Potential - The Charles Matthews Show
What is potential, and how does one unlock it?
Karlene has made several appearances on the Charles Matthews Show as a guest expert. In this episode, she discusses tapping into and maximizing one's potential, plus other leadership topics in this lively interview with Charles Matthews.
Guest Host at Gospel Faith TV
Dream Big interview with Pastor Martins Fatola
Acknowledging her powerful public speaking and interviewing skills, Gospel Faith TV made a special request for Karlene to host this segment on their behalf.
Leadership and Transformational Change
GBKM Community TV
Karlene sits in as a guest expert on leadership and personal transformation in this interview on GBKM TV.