Empowered To Thrive
Chapter 3, Module 2 -
Writing Your Personal Vision
Purpose is the source of your vision. Your vision is the action plan for fulfilling your purpose. (Karlene Millwood)
Use the template below to create your personal vision.
1. Personal Brand
Who am I?
Who do I want people to see me as?
What are my core values?
What is my work ethic?
Where do I want to live?
What do I want to drive?
What’s my dream house?
Who is my dream spouse?
What is my personal mission statement?
Do these contribute to my happiness and satisfaction?
2. Companionship/Marriage
What do I want out of my marriage?
What is my love language?
What is my ideal vision for this?
What is our ideal date night?
What are our mutual skills and hobbies?
When will I be married? (if single)
Where will I get married? (if single)
What is our communication style?
Where will we spend our honeymoon?
Where will we spend our ideal anniversary?
What do the rings look like?
What will be the colors at our wedding?
3. Family (Immediate and Extended)
Do I have authentic relationships?
Do we have healthy boundaries (personal, psychological, property)?
Do we show personal integrity?
Is this our primary institution for socialization?
Are we autonomous?
Do we trust each other?
Do we have a strong value system?
What do I / don’t I want to pass on to the next generation?
What are our family traditions?
What are our family values?
What is our heritage?
How do we preserve family ties?
4. Personal Growth and Development
Continuing education?
Read books
5. Career and Calling
What is my ideal career?
Will it maximize my potential?
Am I a business owner or employee?
What country do I want to work in, or create from?
Is my business for profit or non-profit?
Is this my dream career?
6. Networks, Alliances, Friendships, Partnerships
Ideal partnerships, professional networks
List the professional organizations that you belong to including:
Social networks
Spiritual and financial networks
Political ties and community involvement
Who is my personal coach?
Who is my business/professional mentor?
Who are my colleagues?
Who is my spiritual mentor/Pastor?
Who is my financial advisor?
Who is my teacher/facilitator?
Who are my business partners?
Who is my brand evangelist?
Who is my legal advisor?
MLM Sponsors?
7. Friends and Colleagues
Do they have your DNA?
Can they help to take my life to the next level?
Describe my ideal friends and colleagues
Can I rely on my friends?
How do we enrich each other’s lives?
How many types of friends do I have/need?
Do they nurture different aspects of my life?
Mastermind group/support system
8. Recreational and Renewal
What do I do to relax, decompress?
Do I have balance?
Do I take vacations? How often?
What are my hobbies?
9. Spiritual Growth and Development
Steps to authenticity
Schedule quiet/uplifting moments every day
How do I nurture my spirit/soul?
Do I set aside time for meditation?
Do I have any habits that undermine relationships, stability, health and spirituality?
What are my self-sabotaging habits and addictions?
How do I detox?
10. Financial Stability
What are my immediate financial needs and goals?
What are the immediate financial needs within my community/nation?
Can I help to solve that problem with my gifts and talents?
How can I use my gifts and talents to make money?
Do I have a budget?
Does it include saving and tithing?
How often do I revise it?
Does it include a retirement/investment plan?
Real Estate?
Debt freedom?
11. Health, Wellness and Fitness
What do I do for exercise?
What is my ideal weight?
Do I have a vision for optimizing my health?
12. Legacy and Inheritance
What did I do to make this world a better place?
How do I want to be remembered?
What problems did I solve?
What should my epitaph read?
What kind of inheritance do I want to leave my loved ones?
Do I want to write my autobiography?